Movie The end of the Silence about Auschwitz


Overvoice FranƧais subtitles English Documentaire RTBF 2018

English translation after the French text

20 dĆ©cembre 1963 Ć  Francfort en Allemagne de l’Ouest dĆ©bute un procĆØs historique. 18 annĆ©es aprĆØs la guerre, 22 anciens SS vont enfin rĆ©pondre de leurs crimes commis au camp de concentration et d’extermination d’Auschwitz. Tous avaient rĆ©ussi Ć  se fondre dans la masse pour recommencer une nouvelle vie sans jamais ĆŖtre inquiĆ©tĆ© par la justice. Pour les inculper, il a fallu une enquĆŖte de 4 ans menĆ©e par une poignĆ©e de juristes allemands engagĆ©s. Leur objectif : organiser un procĆØs mĆ©diatique et retentissant afin de confronter le pays avec son passĆ©.Ā  Car Ć  l’Ć©poque, Auschwitz n’Ć©voque rien Ć  la grande majoritĆ© des Allemands. Saisi d’une amnĆ©sie collective, le pays a mĆŖme intĆ©grĆ© d’anciens nazis dans la fonction publique. C’est ce silence que le procĆØs d’Auschwitz va briser. Pendant 22 mois, dans un climat de tension et d’hostilitĆ©, plus de 200 survivants d’Auschwitz viendront tĆ©moigner Ć  la barre pour dĆ©voiler au monde entier les coulisses de la machine Ć  tuer. (source :

December 20, 1963 in Frankfurt, West Germany, a historic trial began. 18 years after the war, 22 former SS men will finally answer for their crimes committed at the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. Everyone had managed to blend in with the crowd to start a new life without ever being bothered by the law. To indict them, it took a 4-year investigation led by a handful of committed German jurists. Their objective: to organize a high-profile media trial in order to confront the country with its past. Because at the time, Auschwitz meant nothing to the vast majority of Germans. Seized by collective amnesia, the country has even integrated former Nazis into the civil service. It is this silence that the Auschwitz trial will break. For 22 months, in a climate of tension and hostility, more than 200 Auschwitz survivors will take the stand to reveal to the whole world the behind-the-scenes of the killing machine.

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